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RFP# GC18-010: Questions and Answers

2018-2023 Clinically-Rich Intensive Teacher Institute in Bilingual Education and English to Speakers of Other Languages (CR-ITI-BE/ESOL)


Responses to questions posted on:

December 15, 2017

Application Deadline:

Postmarked by January 5, 2018

RFP amended:

December 12, 2017 to announce amendment to eligible LEA definition on page 5: “Eligible LEA - a public school district within New York State that had at least 500 English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners enrolled in the 2016- 2017 school year (See Attachment A) or multiple districts that collectively meet the n-size of 500 English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners.”
Please see question 23.


  1. May an IHE offer a program in more than one location (main campus and satellite locations)?

    Answer:  Yes.  A program may be offered in more than one location (e.g., main campus and satellite campus) if the program has been officially registered with NYSED at the “other location,” and is a NYS Board of Regents approved branch campus.  Some coursework may be offered at an extension site, but it has to meet the limits of course offerings stipulated in NYS Commissioner’s Regulations.  If both locations span both regions (New York City and Rest of State), the applicant must submit a separate and complete application for each region.  Please see response to questions 2 & 4.

  2. Additionally, is this allowed if the campuses span two regions (one in NYC and one without)?

    Answer: If your IHE would like to operate the program at both locations, you must submit two separate and complete applications, one for each region (NYC and ROS).  Please see response to questions 1 & 4.

  3. If a program is already participating in the Intensive Teacher Institute in Bilingual Special Education (ITI-BSE) grant, are they still eligible to apply for the Clinically-Rich Intensive Teacher Institute in Bilingual Education and English to Speakers of Other Languages (CR-ITI-BE/ESOL)?

    Answer: Yes.  If a program is currently a recipient of another grant opportunity (e.g., the Intensive Teacher Institute in Bilingual Special Education grant), they are eligible to apply for the Clinically-Rich Intensive Teacher Institute in Bilingual Education and English to Speakers of Other Languages (CR-ITI-BE/ESOL).

  4. Our University is a unique two-campus institution -- we offer our programs at a NYC location and “Rest of State” location. The TESOL and Bilingual Education programs are very integrated across the campuses, meaning that all of the students follow the same curriculum and program requirements, and even attend the same classes at times. In fact, students are taught and advised in both locations regularly. However, I noticed that the RFP specifies that the institutions will be selected on the basis of location, as either NYC or "Rest of State." So I am wondering how our institution should apply:
    • Can we apply as 'one' campus, and allocate our resources to fund 10 teachers from our campus in NYC and 10 teachers from our campus in “Rest of State”?
    • Can we submit two separate applications, for 20 teachers per campus?
    • Do we have to choose to administer the program on only one campus, for 20 students?

Answer:  If your IHE would like to operate the program at both locations, you must submit two separate and complete applications, one for each region (NYC and ROS).  Please see response to questions 1 & 2. 

  1. We offer Advanced Certificate options, and we also have many undergraduates who continue to take classes towards an MS Ed. after they become certified. I was wondering if the funds can only be applied to applicants for the Advanced Certificate option, or if the credits could also be used to subsidize the TESOL courses for an MS Ed in TESOL for those who were certified as an undergraduate.

    Answer:  The grant award must be utilized to provide tuition support only to graduate students that are matriculated in the registered CR-ITI grant-funded program in either ESOL or BE. 

  2. We offer both TESOL and the Bilingual extension, and I just wanted to confirm that the grant funds could be applied towards both programs, or if we have to propose focusing on only one

    Answer:  The grant funds could be applied towards both programs.  Participating IHEs may provide CR-ITIs in Bilingual and/or ESOL programs.

  3. Can one LEA partner with more than one university? 

    Answer:  Yes. The language in the RFP does not include a restriction on the number of universities in which a LEA may partner. A signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is required between the IHE and each of the collaborating LEA(s).

  4. This is to inquire if, under the 2018-23 CR-ITI RFP, partnering with an NYCDOE “Cluster” will meet the RFP requirement for partnering with an "LEA". The New York City Department of Education has a unique network system of “Cluster”, under which hundreds of schools collaborate. Cluster 1 and 4 were our partners during the last NYSED CR-ITI grant cycle, and under the new RFP we’d like to continue that partnership since it was extremely successful in the past.  However, we aren't certain if that option is still consistent with the new RFP's definition of required LEA partnership. 

    Answer:  The eligible LEA must meet the revised definition in the RFP on page 5: “Eligible LEA - a public school district within New York State that had at least 500 English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners enrolled in the 2016- 2017 school year (See Attachment A) or multiple districts that collectively meet the n-size of 500 English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners.” The language in the RFP does not include a restriction on the number of LEAs in which an IHE may partner. A signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is required between the IHE and each of the collaborating LEA(s).

  5. Are IHEs allowed to charge students a portion of the actual per-credit cost for the 15 credits, e.g., part subsidized by the NYS grant, part via discounted tuition from the IHE, and part via partial tuition payment by the student(s)?

    Answer:  Yes. The budget included with the application should reflect the $110,000 of NYSED’s funding from this grant and how NYSED’s funding will be used for the purpose of this program. Tuition assistance through this grant award is $300 per credit for 20 students. Any funding beyond the $110,000/year does not need to be included in the budget. Budget items should be supplemental to and not supplant expenses and activities supported by other funding sources.

  6. Could we alternate qualifying programs that would benefit from the tuition subsidy by year, e.g., Y1, support for 20 students getting a Bilingual Extension and Y2, support for 20 students in the TESOL residency program, Y3 support for 20 students in the TESOL certification program?

    Answer:  Yes. Participating IHEs may provide Clinically Rich- Intensive Teacher Institutes in Bilingual and/or ESOL programs.  Applicants should describe their program in their year one work plan and overall project plan and will be scored according to the evaluation rubric included the RFP.

  7. Could each year provide support for a mix of students from qualified programs that are recruited with the LEA(s) partner(s), e.g., 10 students in the Bilingual Extension program and 10 students in a TESOL residency program or certification program?

    Answer:  Yes. Participating IHEs may provide Clinically Rich- Intensive Teacher Institutes in Bilingual and/or ESOL programs.  Applicants’ should describe their program in their year one work plan and overall project plan and will be scored according to the evaluation rubric included in the RFP.

  8. Can the program last for more than one year as long as the year for which we seek the tuition subsidies is the year that students complete the program?

    Answer:  No. The graduate students enrolled in the CR-ITI program are expected to complete the program in one year.  Please see section Program Completer Target in the RFP (page 10). “Applicants must meet a 90% candidate program completion rate as proposed in their application by the end of each year, or a financial penalty will be imposed. If the grantee does not meet the 90% program completer target, the grantee’s budget will be proportionally reduced by the difference between 90% and the actual completion rate, up to the total amount of the final payment.” 

  9. Are there any restrictions on candidates receiving pay or stipends while in these programs, based on the certification program they are pursuing? Please clarify also whether those restrictions apply regardless of the funding source. 

    Answer:  Our office has not established a goal or policy on candidates receiving pay or stipends while in these programs.

  10. Will SED be able to create flexibility for existing registered programs to apply for their candidates to be pursuing certification under a certificate such as the existing pilot residency certificate?

    Answer:  Upon completion of the CR-ITI program in either BE or ESOL, these teachers would be qualified to obtain additional NYS certification in these areas. For questions, comments, or concerns related to pathways to certification or types of certificates, you may contact NYSED’s Office of Teaching Initiatives

  11. Are the budget narrative (3 pages max), Form FS-10 for Year 1 (8 pages), and multi-year budget summary (1 page) included in the total page limit?

    Answer:  See page 12 of the RFP. The budget narrative, FS-10 for Year 1, and the multi-year budget are not included in the 25 page technical proposal narrative. Organization charts and other submission documents are also not counted toward this page limit. 

  12. Is the budget narrative alone (3 pages max) counted within the total 25-page limit? Does the budget narrative need to follow the overall formatting requirements, e.g., Arial 12 point, double spaced? If yes, if it is submitted in chart format, can it be single spaced if formatted for readability since charts are exempted from the double spacing requirement?

    Answer:  See page 12 of the RFP. The budget narrative is not included in the 25 page technical proposal narrative. Organization charts and other submission documents are also not counted toward this page limit. Please submit the budget narrative in accordance with the formatting requirements, e.g., Arial 12 point, double spaced. 

  13. Our ESOL certification program is new and does not have a 2-year track record. Our other programs, including our program for the bilingual extension, do. Does this make us ineligible for this program for subsidizing ESOL residency and/or ESOL certification students? Will it result only in a deduction of points in the section where we need to demonstrate our track record for that program or can we cite our success in other teacher education programs to demonstrate our overall track record and potentially receive full points?

    Answer: The two year track record is not an eligibility requirement. Section 3C is where applicants should cite success in teacher education programs to demonstrate overall track record. Points may be deducted if this is not met. You may wish to include success with other graduate level teacher education programs to demonstrate overall track record. Proposals will be scored in accordance with the evaluation rubric included in the RFP.  

  14. Our institution is based in New York City, and we have contracted with the central NYC DOE to provide similar support for bilingual special education students in our graduate school. If we are an institution based in New York City, where all 32 community school districts have more than 500 bilingual/ESOL students enrolled, can we execute one MOU with the central NYC DOE to conduct these services throughout all 32 CSDs, or do we need to execute a separate MOU for each district we might work with?

    Answer:  You can have one MOU but separate signatures are required for each collaborating LEA. The language in the RFP does not include a restriction on the number of LEAs in which an IHE may partner. A signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is required between the IHE and the collaborating LEA(s). 

  15. If all of the funds requested --$110,000 per year--go to either tuition subsidies and program administration and no funds are used for outside contractors/services, how do we complete the M/WBE forms and meet the M/WBE requirements?

    Answer: M/WBE participation not only includes services, but can also include materials or supplies purchased from minority and women-owned firms certified with the NYS Division of Minority and Women Business Development.

    Applicants must first complete the M/WBE Goal Calculation Worksheet to determine the M/WBE goal for the proposed budget.  Once the M/WBE goal is determined, applicants must engage in good faith efforts to obtain goods and/or services from M/WBE’s for the goods or services included in the discretionary non-personal service budget. If efforts are unsuccessful, the applicant may apply for a Partial or Full Request for Waiver. This request MUST be accompanied by documentation demonstrating the efforts made and reasons why the applicant was unsuccessful in obtaining MWBE utilization. Please see pages 21 & 22 of the RFP for additional information on “good faith efforts” and “Request for Waivers.”

    NYSED’s M/WBE Grant Coordinator is available to assist applicants in meeting the M/WBE goals. The Grant Coordinator can be reached at MWBEgrants@nysed.gov.

  16. Can we split the 20 students per year across ESOL and Bilingual programs?

    Answer:  Yes. Participating IHEs may provide Clinically Rich- Intensive Teacher Institutes in Bilingual and/or ESOL programs.  Applicants should describe their program in their year one work plan and overall project plan and will be scored according to the evaluation rubric included in the RFP. 

  17. Do the students have to complete the certification in one year? In other words, is there a time limit?

    Answer:  Yes. The graduate students enrolled in the CR-ITI program are expected to complete the program in one year.  In the RFP, under Deliverables and/or Project Description, “In partnership with participating NYS IHEs, the Department will oversee the implementation of programs conducted by IHEs that lead to 20 graduate students per year/per IHE receiving ESOL certification or Bilingual extensions.” Please also refer to question 12.

  18. Is there a specific focus/purpose for the summer institute?  Would it (they) bookend the program?  Do the candidates attend summer institutes for the duration of their program?

    Answer:  A summer institute is not required. The applicant may or may not hold summer sessions for graduate students in the CR-ITI program to complete the required coursework.

  19. Our question is whether applications will be accepted from an IHE that collaborates with school districts not on the appended list? We are interested in collaborating with a number of local rural school districts that collectively would meet the n= 500 ELLs. However, these districts are not on the list provided in the RFP. Will our proposal be considered if we collaborate with districts not on the list?

    Answer: The RFP has been amended to include LEAs in a collective total to meet the ELL requirement.

    Please note the following revision on page 5 of the RFP:
    “Eligible LEA - a public school district within New York State that had at least 500 English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners enrolled in the 2016- 2017 school year (See Attachment A) or multiple districts that collectively meet the n-size of 500 English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners.”

The language in the RFP does not include a restriction on the number of LEAs in which an IHE may partner.   A signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is required between the IHE and each of the collaborating LEA(s).

  1. Attachment B lists the courses and descriptions. As long as the content is covered in particular classes, must the titles be the same? 

    Answer: No. The courses offered for the designated program will be reviewed by NYSED’s Office of College and University Evaluation to ensure that the required content is addressed.

  2. As long as candidates complete the necessary coursework in order to earn either ESOL certification or the Bilingual Extension within the one year time period, can the ITI classes be embedded in a larger Master's degree program so that candidates can simultaneously complete courses toward their NYSED required Master's degree?

    Answer:  Yes. As long as the grant award is being utilized to provide tuition support only to graduate students that are matriculated in the registered CR-ITI grant-funded program in either ESOL or BE. 

  3. The title of Attachment B indicates that each of the ITI options (ESOL and Bilingual Extension), is for General Education Teachers. Does this mean that the teachers would be adding ESOL or the Bilingual Extension to pre-existing certifications? In other words, is this ITI model exclusively for an additional certification for people who already hold certification of some kind, and not for initial certification candidates?

    Answer:  General education teachers have already completed all of the pedagogical requirements to become certified.  Therefore, this program is not intended for initial certification. Upon completion of the CR-ITI program in either BE or ESOL, these teachers would be qualified to obtain additional certification. 

  4. If Initial Certification Candidates are able to participate in the ITI model, must they be able to be certified within one year? Most Initial Certification Master's degree programs tend to take at least a year and a half. Would including Initial Certification participants cause a financial reduction due to the extended time they'd need in order to earn certification?

    Answer:  The CR-ITI program is not designed for initial certification because it lacks the pedagogical requirements for initial certification.  The CR-ITI program does not lead to a Master’s Degree but rather an Advanced Certificate for graduate level work. Coursework in the CR-ITI program might be transferable to a Master’s Degree depending on the requirements of your institution. As previously stated, general education teachers have already completed all of the pedagogical requirements to become certified.  Upon completion of the CR-ITI program in either BE or ESOL, these teachers would be qualified to obtain additional certification. 

  5. Are there guidelines for what must be included in a Summer Institute, e.g., length of the institute, content, etc.?

    Answer:  A summer institute is not required. The applicant may or may not hold summer sessions for graduate students in the CR-ITI program to complete the required coursework. 

  6. Do districts have funds available to pay mentor-teachers?

    Answer:  Questions regarding district-level funding can be best answered by the Local Educational Agency.

  7. Could you define what is meant by the following terms within the RFP:
    1. Summer Institute
      Answer: The applicant may or may not hold summer sessions at their respective campus for graduate students in the CR-ITI program to complete the required coursework. 
    2. Internship
      Answer: Internship refers to the clinical practice that is required. For the bilingual extension, candidates in the CR-ITI program must complete 50 clock hours of college-supervised field experiences. For ESOL, candidates must complete 50 clock hours of field experience and 20 days of student teaching. 
    3. Mentor Teacher
      Answer: A mentor teacher is a teacher who is highly qualified and holds a certification in the area or related field of the candidate enrolled in the CR-ITI program. The applicant must describe the recruitment and selection of mentor-teachers, including how the teaching practice of the mentor teacher is assessed using the NYS Mentoring Standards, and ensuring that mentor-teachers have demonstrated positive impact on student achievement results in their own classrooms.

  8. Can you share the list of current grantees for these funds and links to the websites they have developed for this program?

    Answer:  For information regarding the IHEs that are currently collaborating with NYSED by providing the required coursework for obtaining a Bilingual Education Extension and/or English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Certification at the graduate level, please visit: Bilingual Education & English as a New Language: Clinically Rich Intensive Teacher Institute (CR-ITI).

  9. Teachers who are seeking bilingual extensions or TESOL certification and who will be certified upon completion of the program are already qualified to teach in New York State? Since presumably they are not giving up their jobs to get the certificate and thus will remain in their non-TESOL or non-bilingual classroom, how do they complete an internship in bilingual or TESOL education?

    Answer:  Yes. General education teachers enrolled in the CR-ITI program have already completed all of the pedagogical requirements to become certified. Upon completion of the CR-ITI program in either BE or ESOL, these teachers would be qualified to obtain additional New York State certification.  It is the responsibility that the candidates enrolled in the CR-ITI program complete the required field experiences/practica in order to complete the program. 

  10. Can mentor-teachers already be teachers of record with experience and certification in bilingual or ESOL education who teach in the same school as the teachers who are being prepared?

    Answer:  Yes. Mentor-teachers may be teachers of record with experience and certification in bilingual or ESOL education who may teach in the same school as the teachers who are students in the CR-ITI program. 

  11. Why is there no planning period allotted for recruitment of participants and other planning activities associated with well executed programming? 

    Answer:  IHEs who are eligible applicants already have a NYS certified program in Bilingual Education leading to a bilingual extension, and/or English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program leading to a certification in ESOL and are located in New York State. In addition, the applicant will have already identified the collaborating LEA(s) before the submission of this grant application. The planning period will be between the notice of award and the program start date. 

  12. My bilingual program is currently only for special education and speech language pathologists but I am revising the program to open up to all education majors (I.e., general education). Would I still be able to apply to this program, we are currently allowing other education majors into the program as our coursework already caters to inclusive education (ELLs with and without disabilities). 

    Answer:  Yes. You are eligible to apply for the Clinically-Rich Intensive Teacher Institute in Bilingual Education and English to Speakers of Other Languages (CR-ITI-BE/ESOL). 

  13. While it is clear that the applicant must have an MOU with at least one LEA, can the organization partner with additional LEAs after grant submission or must all MOUs be signed before grant submission?

    Answer:  All MOUs must be signed before grant submission and included in your proposal.  Applicants should describe their program in their year one work plan and overall project plan and will be scored according to the evaluation rubric included in the RFP. 

  14. I’m writing to you regarding our program’s eligibility to apply for the grant posted on the NYSED website. Our intensive, 12-week, non-credit TESOL Certificate Program trains professionals who will work with adult ELLs. Our program is 156 hours and combines classroom instruction with class observations and a mentored practicum.

    Answer:  This CR-ITI program provides approved, credit-bearing coursework leading to Advanced Certificate for graduate level work.
Last Updated: December 15, 2017 12:25 PM