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RFQ #17-002 Qualifications for Independent Receivers: Questions and Answers


Originally posted on July 22, 2017:

Question 1: What is meant by "grade level"?  Is it a grade band, such as elementary, intermediate and high school, or does it refer to a specific grade, such as third grade?

Answer 1: For the purpose of this RFQ, grade level refers to grade spans, including elementary grades (pre-k – 6), middle grades (4-8), and high school grades (9-12).  Appendix A details the grade spans of each Persistently Struggling and Struggling school. 

Question 2: Could you provide more guidance on what factors should be taken into consideration in the proposed budget since the budget range is large for these schools; for example, is there a link to a school's status as struggling vs. persistently struggling and is school size a factor?

Answer 2: For purposes of creating a budget, there is no need to distinguish between a school identified as struggling vs. persistently struggling. The school district website may contain SCHOOL PROFILE INFORMATION regarding school enrollment data and other pertinent information relating to the RFQ proposed budget range.  Final budgets are subject to negotiations.

Update July 27, 2017:

Question 3: Are only Persistently Struggling schools being appointed independent receivers for the 2017-2018 school year, or is it possible that Struggling Schools will also have receivers appointed?

Answer 3: An Independent Receiver may be appointed for the 2017-2018 school year to both Persistently Struggling and Struggling schools. Appendix A contains a list of Persistently Struggling and Struggling schools.

Update July 29, 2017:

Question 4: Can an applicant send an application for certain schools by August 11th and add other schools in the same grade levels after August 11th?

Answer 4: Yes. If the applicant wishes to add another school at the same grade level, the applicant would need only submit those forms that are required for an individual school, such as a proposed budget.
From the RFQ: Proposed budget (Form E) (One for each school if applying for multiple schools.)

Update August 9, 2017:

Question 5: I will not be able to submit my RFQ by August 11, 2017: Am I still allowed to submit it next week?

Answer 5: Yes, applications will be accepted on a continuous and ongoing basis. The Department will review submissions and update the approved list as applications are approved.

Question 6: In accordance with Education Law §211-f(2)(a) and Commissioner's Regulations §100.19(a)(6), an independent receiver must be an individual, a non-profit entity, or another school district in Good Standing may apply for this RFQ. As a for profit management company, we have helped turnaround several failing schools. As a for profit management company that is individually owned, are we qualified to apply for RFQ #17-002.

Answer 6: A for-profit management company is not eligible to apply. The owner of the company could apply as an individual and, if selected to be an independent receiver, would enter into a contract with the Commissioner as an individual.

Last Updated: August 9, 2017 10:15 PM