My Brother’s Keeper Exemplary School Models and Practices (ESMP) Grant
A New York State My Brother’s Keeper Initiative
Announcement of Funding Opportunity
Grant Application Documents
Application in PDF | Application in Word
– Revised 2/26/18
Questions and Answers – Posted 1/30/18
Recording of Informational Webinar – Posted 1/17/18
Legislative Authority
Chapter 53 of the laws of 2016. With the adoption of the 2016-2017 New York State budget, New York became the first state to accept the President’s My Brother’s Keeper challenge.
The purpose of the Exemplary School Models and Practices grant is to close the achievement gap and increase both the academic achievement and college and career readiness (CCR) of students with an emphasis on boys and young men of color.
The State Education Department will award grants to districts that will replicate their exemplary high-quality college and career readiness school models, programs, and practices that emphasize the needs of boys and young men of color in another district. The eligible applicant must partner with a demographically similar struggling or persistently struggling school in another district within their region1 to replicate these practices. Applicants who are districts contracting to provide American Indian Educational Services must partner with a demographically similar school district contracting to provide American Indian Educational Services that is a focus or priority school OR a school in which <50% of American Indian students have valid NYS test scores.
1 There are three regions for this RFP: districts contracting to provident American Indian Educational Services, NYC, and the rest of state.
The total allocation for 2018 is expected to be $2,000,000.
The initial project period will be from April 20, 2018 – August 31, 2018, and for two subsequent years beginning September 1, 2018, subject to the continuation of the State appropriation. Awards will be made as follows: one (1) to an eligible district contracting to provide American Indian Educational Services, three (3) to eligible districts in New York City, and four (4) to eligible districts in the rest of the state for a total of eight (8) awards. In the event that fewer than the designated number of awards are made in a given region, those remaining awards will be made state-wide based on the next highest ranked application.
Program Start Date & Coverage of Expenditures:
The beginning date for grant activities is April 20, 2018. Only expenses incurred during this period will be eligible for coverage with these state funds.
The initial program period is April 20, 2018 – August 31, 2018. Program year two is September 1, 2018 -August 31, 2019 and three is September 1, 2019-August 31, 2020. Maximum awards are limited to $250,000 each year for the three-year period with a minimum of 70% of the award ($175,000) to be spent on the expenses incurred in replicating the exemplary models, programs, and practices at the partner school site, and a maximum of 30% ($75,000) to be spent on developing and/or expanding the exemplary models, programs, and practices at the applicant school/demonstration site or developing and/or expanding the exemplary models, programs, and practices at another school within the applicant district each year. (See examples on p. 13.)Matching Requirements:
A minimum 15 percent (15%) match of approved grant contract is required.
The matching requirements may be met through the institution’s own resources, private sources, other non-state government sources, and/or in-kind services. Other state funds may be used in this match except for state grant funds from educational opportunity programs, but may not duplicate services provided. All matching contributions must be used for activities related exclusively to the MBK ESMP project, and institutional accounts must be structured to reflect this contribution by the appropriate line item.
Applicant Eligibility:
Eligible applicants are NYS public school districts. For purposes of this grant, charter schools and BOCES are not included in the definition of public schools and are not eligible to apply.
The applicant district must have at least one school designated to serve as the demonstration site. The demonstration site school(s) must NOT be classified as a struggling, persistently struggling, or priority school. Applicants should supply data for the demonstration site with their applications demonstrating two or more years of improved outcomes toward project goals. Please complete Attachment X-a or X-b to demonstrate these outcomes.
Important Dates:
Full proposals must be postmarked by 3/16/2018
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers – Posted 1/30/17
Questions regarding this grant must be e-mailed to by 1/24/2018
A Question and Answers Summary will be posted here no later than 1/31/2018
Webinar will be available here on 1/17/2018
Informational Webinar
Recording of Informational Webinar – Posted 1/17/18
For Information and Submission, Contact:
For Information and Submission, Contact:
New York State Education Department
Office of Access, Equity, and Community Engagement Services
89 Washington Avenue, EBA 960
Albany, New York 12234
(518) 474-3719
The State Education Department Contacts:
Karen Hymes
Jessica Hartjen
Grant Application Documents
Application in PDF | Application in Word
– Revised 2/26/18
Questions and Answers – Posted 1/30/17
Recording of Informational Webinar – Posted 1/17/18
The State Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, services and activities. Portion of any publication designed for distribution can be made available in a variety of formats, including Braille, large print or audiotape, upon request. Inquiries regarding this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to the Department’s Office for Diversity, Ethics, and Access, Room 530, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234.