Announcement of Funding Opportunity
RFP# GC18-009
Migrant Education Tutorial and Support Services (METS) Program Grant
Application in PDF | Application in Word
Contract Boilerplate
Appendix A: New York State Migrant Education Funding Formula 2018-2023
Appendix B: New York State Map Regions
Appendix C: Workplan Template
Questions and Answers – Posted 4/11/18
Legislative Authority
Title I, Part C – Education of Migratory Children under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015
Purpose of Grant
The grant supports eight (8) Migrant Education Tutorial and Support Services (METS) program centers across New York State. The program goals of the METS are to support the identification and recruitment of migrant-eligible children and youth, agricultural workers, fishers, and their families, and to provide them with data-driven, evidence-based supplemental educational programs and support services based on their needs. The METS program centers will implement activities including, but not limited to, strategic tutoring and academic support, mentoring, and academic and/or career counseling, English language acquisition and literacy development, and seek to strengthen family-school-community partnerships, encourage parent and family engagement, facilitate social-emotional well-being, foster positive self-identity, and increase students’ access to educational opportunities through promoting advocacy to self-advocacy and identity development, and other supportive services. This is to ensure that all migrant children and youth will have the opportunity to graduate from high school, earn a high school equivalency diploma (HSE), complete career and technical education courses (CTE), or succeed at other alternative educational opportunities, in order to be ready for college, careers, and life, prepared to pursue the future of their choosing.
Project Period
The grant contract period will be for five (5) years, anticipated from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2023.
The five-year contract period is subject to:
- the availability of funds and level of funding from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) for the period; and
- successful program delivery and implementation by the individual METS program centers in the prior year, based on the requirements of the approved ESSA Consolidated State Plan, the State Service Delivery Plan (SDP) and Theory of Action (ToA).
The State Service Delivery Plan (SDP) and the Theory of Action (ToA) can be viewed at:
Eligible Applicants
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) (i.e., school districts that operate local public elementary and secondary schools), Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), and Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs).
Amount of Funding
Estimated funds totaling approximately 6.7 million dollars will be available statewide each year of the five-year grant contract period, 2018-2023, subject to the availability of funds and level of funding from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) for each grant contract period and successful program delivery and implementation by the individual METS program centers in the previous year.
Application Due Date and Mailing Address
Applicants must submit one (1) original and two (2) copies of the application, postmarked no later than April 25, 2018 to:
New York State Education Department
ATTN: State Migrant Education Program Grant
Grants Management
89 Washington Avenue
Room 464 EBA
Albany, NY 12234
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers – Posted 4/11/18
All questions must be submitted via email to by April 3, 2018. A complete list of all Questions and Answers will be posted here no later than April 11, 2018.
Please note that all potential applicants may contact the Statewide Identification and Recruitment/MIS2000/MSIX program center (ID&R) and the Statewide Migrant Technical Assistance and Support Center (M-TASC) with questions concerning migrant student data and migrant programs and services respectively as evidenced in the ESSA Consolidated State Plan and State Migrant Service Delivery Plan. They can be reached via email at in the period between the official release of this Grant RFP and April 3, 2018. Both the questions asked, and the responses provided, will be posted in the Q&A above no later than April 11, 2018.
Non-Mandatory Notice of Intent
The Notice of Intent (NOI) is not a requirement for submitting a complete application by the application date. However, NYSED strongly encourages all prospective applicants to submit an NOI to ensure a timely and thorough review and rating process. A non-profit applicant’s NOI will also help to facilitate timely review of their prequalification materials. The notice of intent is a simple email notice stating your organization’s (use the legal name) intent to apply for this grant. Please also include your organization’s NYS Vendor ID. The due date is April 11, 2018. Please send the NOI via email to Kin T. Chee at
Grant Application Documents
Application in PDF | Application in Word
Contract Boilerplate
Appendix A: New York State Migrant Education Funding Formula 2018-2023
Appendix B: New York State Map Regions
Appendix C: Workplan Template
Questions and Answers – Posted 4/11/18