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Announcement of Funding Opportunity
2022-2024 New York State My Brother’s Keeper Exemplary School Models and Practices (ESMP)


Grant Application Documents

Application in PDF Adobe PDF | Application in Word Word document

Legislative Authority

Chapter 53 of the laws of 2016. With the adoption of the 2016-2017 New York State budget, New York became the first state to accept the President’s My Brother’s Keeper Challenge.

Purpose of Grant

The purpose of the Exemplary School Models and Practices grant is to close the achievement gap in New York State, with an emphasis on boys and young men of color. This grant will support replicating practices that help early learners ages birth to eight-years-old either A) enter Kindergarten ready to learn or B) read on grade level by third grade. Additionally, this grant seeks to increase college and career readiness (CCR) by replicating the exemplary school models, programs, and practices of higher-performing schools with graduation rates for boys and young men of color that exceed the statewide graduation rate of 80% in schools in other districts that have not yet reached that milestone.

Project Period

The beginning date for grant activities is January 1, 2022. Only expenses incurred during this period will be eligible for coverage with these state funds. The initial program period is January 1, 2022– August 31, 2022. Program year two is September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023 and year three is September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024.

Eligibile Applicants

Eligible applicants are NYS public school districts that have demonstrated an ability to close the achievement gap between boys and young men of color and the overall rest of state populations. BOCES may apply as the lead fiscal agent for a consortium of districts. All schools within the BOCES Consortium must meet the same eligibility criteria required of the districts applying individually. For purposes of this grant, charter schools are not included in the definition of public schools and are not eligible to apply.

NYS public school districts may apply for Option 1 OR Option 2 OR BOTH Options. BOCES may apply for Option 1 ONLY.

Option 1

Districts or BOCES that can and will implement or grow an existing early learning initiative ages birth to eight-years-old, that is developmental, research-based, includes cross-municipal agencies, and has demonstrated positive outcomes with a level of fidelity that makes them exemplary. The goal of the initiative must be either:
A) entering Kindergarten ready to learn
B) reading on grade level by third grade are eligible to apply.

Option 2

New York State Public school districts that have demonstrated an ability to close the achievement gap between boys and young men of color and the overall rest of state populations may apply if they have at least one high school with exemplary practices that are significant factors in improving the academic achievement and college and career readiness (CCR) of students, with an emphasis on boys and young men of color. These exemplary practices will be demonstrated by graduation rates for boys and young men of color that exceed the NYS average graduation rate for all students of 80% for at least three years, between 2016-2017 through 2019-2020. Applicants will supply this data on Attachment XIV for the demonstration site school.

The applicant district will replicate their exemplary high-quality practices in another partner district.

The eligible applicant’s demonstration site school must partner with a demographically similar school in another district that:

  • is a Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) or Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school
  • OR a school that has a graduation rate for boys and young men of color that is 10 or more percentage points below the New York State graduation rate for all students.

The demonstration site school(s) must NOT be classified as a Comprehensive Support and improvement (CSI) or Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school.

Amount of Funding

The total allocation for 2022 is expected to be $2,000,000. The initial project period will be from January 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022, and for two subsequent years beginning September 1, 2022, subject to the continuation of the State appropriation.

There will be ten (10) awards of up to $200,000 annually for the three-year grant term. The maximum annual award for a BOCES consortium is $200,000. These awards will be made as follows:

  • Five (5) awards to districts or BOCES that can and will implement a research-based early learning initiative for ages birth to eight-years-old; AND
  • Five (5) awards to districts with at least one high school with exemplary practices that are significant factors in improving the academic achievement and college and career readiness (CCR) of students, with an emphasis on boys and young men of color. These applicant districts will replicate their exemplary high-quality practices in another district.

For Option 2 (High School demonstration projects), a minimum of ≥40% of the annual award (≥$80,000) must be spent on the expenses incurred in replicating the exemplary models, programs, and practices at the partner school site, and a maximum of <60% (<$120,000) may be spent on developing and/or expanding the exemplary models, programs, and practices at the applicant school/demonstration site or another school within the applicant district.

Matching Requirements: A minimum 15 percent (15%) match of approved grant is required. See “Institutional Funds” below for more information.

All funding will be contingent upon the State Legislature appropriating funds.

Application Due Date and Mailing Address

Submit 1 original and 3 copies, postmarked by 9/27/2021, as well as one electronic copy of the complete application via email to ModelRFP@nysed.gov, by 5 PM on 9/27/21.

New York State Education Department
Attn: Karen Hymes
Office of Access, Equity, and Community Engagement Services
89 Washington Avenue, EBA Room 960
Albany, New York 12234

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers Adobe PDF – Posted 9/7/21

NYSED Designated Contacts

Program: Karen Hymes
Fiscal: Lucas Rodriguez
M/WBE: Brian Hackett

Grant Application Documents

Application in PDF Adobe PDF | Application in Word Word document

Last Updated: September 7, 2021