Student Support Services

21st Century Community Learning Centers

Site Visit

Site Monitoring Visit Report template (reformatted, December 2024)

Note: This report will be used for site monitoring visits starting September 3, 2024.

The New York State Education Department (NYSED), as the grant recipient of a Title IV Part B 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant, is required by the US Department of Education (US ED) to monitor sub-grantees.  In order to do this, On-Site Monitoring Visits are conducted to selected sub-grantees each year of the grant. Over the course of the five-year funding cycle, every sub-grantee will receive at least one monitoring visit.  The purpose of the visit is to ensure that programs are in compliance with Federal and State regulations and requirements and ensure that our programs are providing high quality and sound services to our youth. The results of these monitoring visit reports are not used for any punitive purposes, but rather to identify where assistance may be neededNYSED cannot stress this enough. A site monitoring visit should not be feared. It is an opportunity to take stock of where programs may need to improve and to showcase their exceptional staff and students.

Each year, at least 20 Rest of State (RoS) and 25 New York City (NYC) 21st CCLC sub-grantee programs are selected by the NYSED to receive an on-site monitoring visit. Staff from the NYC and Rest of State (RoS) 21st CCLC Technical Assistance Resource Centers (TARCs) and/or the NYSED use the Site Visit Monitoring Report Template (above) when conducting the site monitoring visit. Prior to the visit, sub-grantees will be asked to send several documents in advance. Others will need to be seen on site, such as documents containing personal information of staff or student participants. To reduce the stress and burden of gathering and sending all the requested documents in advance of the visit and/or scrambling during the visit to locate on site, the NYSED recommends that sub-grantees become familiar with the site monitoring report template and start to organize files, in advance, that contain the required evidence indicated on the tool. That way, when notified that a visit has been scheduled, the required documents will have been previously located and appropriately filed and there will be no surprises at the time of the visit as to what is required.

Following the visit, a completed Site Monitoring Visit Report will be submitted to the NYSED for approval and then be sent to the program within 30 days of the visit.   Reports will identify areas of compliance and non-compliance. Reports will also provide a summary of actions to be taken, additional recommendations to strengthen practice, and acknowledgement of promising practices.

If areas of non-compliance are identified, programs are expected to submit an Action Plan with a timeline of implementation, within 2 weeks of the report.   The purpose of an Action Plan is to identify the specific actions that a program will take to ensure compliance.


Last Updated: December 19, 2024