SIF 1 Awardees' Toolkit
SIF 1 Awardees’ Toolkit
The purpose of this toolkit is to provide you with the necessary information to successfully administer the remainder of your School Innovation Fund Grant - Round 1 (SIF 1). Each section is hyperlinked to the appropriate forms, templates, or websites. Should you have questions please contact your NYSED liaison: Andrew McGrath (Rochester CSD) or Tracy Farrell (Geneva CSD).
- SIF 1 grantees will be invited to future technical assistance opportunities relevant to the Community-Oriented Schools design framework.
- If the LEA purchased instructional equipment with SIF funds, please keep an inventory of such items.
- In keeping grant records, follow the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule ED-1:
- Required Reports
- Year One Implementation Period
- Quarterly ( 299 KB)
- Annual - FS10F, Annual Report ( 120 KB)
- Year Two Implementation Period
- Quarterly (162 KB)
- Final - FS10F, Final Report ( 37 KB)
Site Visits
Last Updated:
March 31, 2015