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2013-14 Title I School Improvement Section 1003(a)
Basic School Improvement Grant Application

Application in PDF PDF icon (463 KB) | Application in Word Word document icon (62 KB)

Purpose of Allocation

Section 1003(a) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires that State Education Agencies allocate funds to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) for Title I Priority and Focus Schools to meet the progress goals in their District Comprehensive Improvement Plan and School Comprehensive Education Plan(s) (DCIP/SCEP) and thereby improve student performance.

These funds are to be used to support implementation of school improvement activities identified through the Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness (DTSDE) reviews or a school review with district oversight and included in the DCIP/SCEP.


Only Title I Focus Districts are eligible to apply for this grant. The list of Focus Districts is posted at: https://www.p12.nysed.gov/accountability/documents/2012-13FocusDistricts.xls. Non-Title I Focus Districts and Focus or Priority Charter Schools are not eligible for this grant.


Each Title I Focus District will receive the following additional allocation(s):

  • Title I Focus District base allocation: $50,000 per district
  • Title I Priority School: $30,000 per school
  • Title I Focus School: $20,000 per school

Please note: Non-Title I Schools and Priority Schools receiving 2013-14 School Improvement Grants under Section 1003(g) or 2013-14 School Innovation Fund Grants are not for eligible for an allocation under Section 1003(a). Only Title I schools providing instruction to students during the 2013-14 school year are eligible for an allocation.

Allowable Activities

Title I School Improvement 1003(a) funds may not be used for any school level activities in Non-Title I schools. Districts must target funds toward the area(s) of identification and toward the particular subgroup(s) identified for improvement. The funds must be used to complete required school and district reviews and support the goals outlined in the DCIP/SCEP.

Funds may only be used for activities allowed under Title I and must be used for required improvement activities from the following list:

  1. Conducting district and school level reviews using the Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness (DTSDE) (including required training costs and administration of any DTSDE parent, staff or student surveys) or conducting a school review (focused on DTSDE Tenet 3) with district oversight,
  2. Hiring an Outside Educational Expert (OEE) to help conduct district-led reviews, and revise or implement improvement plans,*
  3. Developing District Comprehensive Improvement and/or School Comprehensive Education Plans (DCIP/SCEP), and
  4. Implementing activities to achieve a specific major goal from the approved DCIP/SCEP (including any goals related to preparing Priority Schools for implementation of one of the four federal intervention models: Turnaround, Transformation, Restart, or Closure).

*PLEASE NOTE: For the 2013-14 NYSED is contracting with a vendor to provide the required OEEs for all state-led DTSDE Integrated Intervention Team (IIT) reviews.  Districts have the option of requesting that an additional OEE selected by the district be assigned as an additional reviewer on any IIT review. Districts are encouraged to continue to identify and utilize OEEs to assist in conducting district-led DTSDE reviews, and to assist in the development and implementation of the District Comprehensive Improvement Plans (DCIP) and School Comprehensive Education Plans (SCEP).  Districts may use their Basic SIGA funds to support OEE activities in Title I schools, and OEEs funded with 1003(a) must continue to participate in NYSED mandated training.  Consultants who do not participate in the NYSED mandated training may also be appropriate for SIGA activities such as implementing specific DCIP or SCEP goals (Activity #4), but their services should not be included as OEE services (Activity #2).

The June DTSDE RFP Field Memo provides additional information about 2013-14 OEE activities and funding. https://www.p12.nysed.gov/accountability/documents/dtsderfpmemo0612131.pdf.

Districts were notified in August regarding all IIT reviews scheduled for 2013-14.  To request additional information, please contact the DTSDE Logistics Unit at: DTSDEtraining@mail.nysed.gov.

See application for additional information on allowable activities.

Grant/Project Period

September 1, 2013* to August 31, 2014

* Districts may include allowable required activities encumbered as of September 1, 2013 in their grant application, but all expenditures are subject to NYSED approval.

Application Deadline

Applications must be postmarked by September 30, 2013.

Budget Amendment Deadline

All budget amendments are subject to review and approval. Amendments must be postmarked by June 30, 2014. Amendments must be submitted with sufficient time for review of any new activities. Amendments to adjust costs for approved activities or adjust fund codes can be accepted at any time during the project period; however supplies exceeding 10% of an activity cost always require a full review and must be submitted by June 30, 2014.

Late amendments will not be accepted.

Submission Instructions

Please Note: This is an LEA Grant.  Do not submit an application for individual schools.

A complete application consists of one original bearing the original signature of the Superintendent and one electronic copy (CD, flash drive, or email to SIGA@mail.nysed.gov) including the following:

  • Cover page (with original signature)
  • Title I School Improvement Grant Allocation Chart
  • Title I School Improvement Grant Program Narrative Chart(s)
  • Assurances and Certification Regarding Lobbying, etc.
  • FS-10 Budget (with original signature)
    Form available at http://www.oms.nysed.gov/cafe/forms/

Electronic copies sent via email should include YOUR DISTRICT NAME in the subject line to expedite processing. 

Send the completed application to:

New York State Education Department
89 Washington Avenue
Grants Management, Room 464 EBA
Albany, New York 12234
Attn: Title I School Improvement, 1003(a) Application

For additional information or assistance please contact:

Application in PDF PDF icon (463 KB) | Application in Word Word document icon (62 KB)

Last Updated: September 5, 2013